Hi! I'm Soraida, Designer & Web Developer

I'm a web developer and multimedia artist based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I'm a graduate of Minneapolis College of Art and Design with a BFA in Web and Multimedia Environments. I recently attended Le Wagon Tokyo, a 9-week intensive coding bootcamp to learn HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript ES2015, SQL, git, GitHub, Heroku and Ruby on Rails.

In my spare time, I like to sing karaoke, eat good food, and see the world through my thick glasses.


A mobile application dedicated to reducing one's impact on the environment by managing the clothes the user may already own, and encouraging the user to donate to charity shops or share their clothing items among friends. This project was developed in two weeks in a team of four. I handled front-end development and the UI/UX.

html logo css logo js logo ruby logo github logo


An online marketplace for traditional Japanese garment rentals. Developed as a one-week "Airbnb-style" project. I handled the front-end web development and UX/UI in my team of four.

Cocktails & Soda

A website to help keep track of cocktail recipes. Users can log ingredients and photos for new recipes. Developed as a three day solo project challenge.

Sprout UI Mockup

Mock-ups for a mobile app pitch. Sprout is an app that helps users manage their house plants. Users can log every plant they own, set watering alarms, and connect with local plant enthusiasts to share tips and tricks.

Created with Figma.

Chicken Coop UI Mockup

Mock-ups for a mobile app pitch. Chicken Coop is an app that helps users find local farms and agriculture hobbyists who sell eggs, dairy, and honey.

Created with Figma.

Creative Programming Sketches

A selection of animated sketches created as a bridge between programming and art. Each sketch is generated with code created in Processing and HTML5 canvas.

Make Me Look Different
(For You)

An interactive painting program built in Processing. The user can "paint" moving .gif images of various women onscreen. The user can alter the skin color, eye color, hair color, make-up, etc of each woman. Unknown to the user, all of the women identify with having mixed racial backgrounds.

This is an exploration of the various stereotypes and perceptions mixed race individuals encounter in the digital space of social media. Our identities are often over-analyzed and questioned by strangers, who wish to paint us with their own pre-conceived notions of what the perfect representitive of that respective identity is in their own minds.

Let's get in touch!